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Military Officers Surprise CEI Nurse With Recognition of Service

Bonnie Jones, LPN, counts veterans as some of her favorite patients at Cincinnati Eye Institute.

“I just hug them and tell them thanks,” she said. “I love when they come because they share their stories with me, and I love to hear their stories.”

Earlier this month, two Marines stopped by the Ambulatory Surgery Center at CEI’s Blue Ash facility where Bonnie works and presented her with a certificate of recognition for the service and care she has provided to veterans. The officers told Bonnie several veterans nominated her for this award.

“I was so surprised,” she said. “This was such an honor.”
The certificate says, “On behalf of the United States Marine Corps and all other Armed Services, we are here to recognize and to extend to Bonnie L. Jones our deepest heartfelt appreciate for the compassionate care, comfort and consideration you have personally provided to the many Veterans touched by your heart and hand. In recognition of your Patriotic Service, the Veterans have prepared short messages contained in these three envelopes and a small token of their appreciation. In closing and with these thoughts in mind, we salute you as a true American Patriot.”