Tailor Made Tears for Dry Eye
Suffering From the Debilitating Effects of Dry Eye?
Experience Relief with Serum Eye Drops
The dry eye experts at Cincinnati Eye Institute are dedicated to helping patients find effective dry eye solutions to treat the excessive tearing, blurry vision, redness, and irritation of dry eye syndrome.
We understand that chronic dry eye symptoms are more than just inconvenient—dry eye can have a negative effect on your overall quality of life. If you are seeking effective treatment for dry eyes in Ohio or northern Kentucky, our experienced eye doctors can help. We offer a range of advanced dry eye treatments, including autologous serum eye drops that are custom compounded for each patient.

What Are Tailor Made Tears?
Tailor Made Tears are autologous serum eye drops (ASED) and sometimes called blood derived serum tears because they are formulated with specially treated components of a patient’s own blood. This prescription eye drop uses a patient’s own blood serum, which is diluted with a solution to produce a tear substitute that is unique to each patient. Tailor Made Tears are proven to be an
Trusted Source
Use of autologous serum tears for the treatment of ocular surface disease from patients with systemic autoimmune diseases
Ali TK, Gibbons A, Cartes C, et al
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effective treatment
option for many patients with dry eye syndrome, as well as patients with dry eye issues due to autoimmune disorders such as Sjögren’s syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis.
How Are Tailor Made Tears Different Than Other Dry Eye Treatments?

Serum eye drops are formulated using your own filtered blood and sterile saline so they work specifically for your eyes.

Since they are made with your own blood and sterile saline, autologous serum eye drops do not typically cause any adverse reactions or
Trusted Source
Blood-based treatments for severe dry eye disease: The need of a consensus
Bernabei F, Roda M, Buzzi M, Pellegrini M, Giannaccare G, Versura P
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side effects.

Preservative Free
The preservatives in some traditional eye drops can actually make dry eye symptoms worse, but serum eye drops are free from
Trusted Source
Preservatives in glaucoma medication: British Journal of Ophthalmology
Steven DW, Alaghband P, Lim KS
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artificial preservatives.

Tailor Made Tears are clinically proven to be
Trusted Source
Human serum eye drops in eye alterations: An insight and a critical analysis
De Pascale MR, Lanza M, Sommese L, Napoli C
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more effective
Trusted Source
The efficacy of autologous serum eye drops for severe dry eye syndrome: A randomized double-blink crossover study
Celebi AR, Ulusoy C, Mirza GE
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more comfortable
than traditional eye drops.
How Are Tailor Made Tears Made?
If your eye doctor decides that Tailor Made Serum Tears are right for you, they will write you a prescription. This prescription can only be filled at a specialized compounding pharmacy. For the convenience of our patients, CEI collaborates with Northmark Pharmacy, a PCAB accredited compounding pharmacy located at our Blue Ash office.
One of our experienced nurse practitioners will draw your blood, which will then be processed in the pharmacy. The processing method involves placing your blood in a centrifuge, which will extract the serum. The serum is then added to a sterile, preservative-free formula. Your serum drops will be unique to you and specially pH balanced with a salinity almost identical to your natural tears, which makes them very comfortable and soothing when applied to your eyes.
Your supply of Tailor Made Tears must be kept frozen and thawed when you are ready to use them. If you choose to continue using this treatment you will need to return every 5 weeks to repeat the process.

Are Tailor Made Tears Right For You?
If you are suffering from severe dry eye symptoms, you do not have to live with the discomfort and irritation. We offer a variety of dry eye treatments, including Tailor Made Tears. Contact us to learn more or schedule a consultation appointment to learn if you are a candidate for Tailor Made Serum Tears.
1 Ali TK, Gibbons A, Cartes C, et al. Use of autologous serum tears for the treatment of ocular surface disease from patients with systemic autoimmune diseases. Am J Ophthalmol. 2018;189:65-70.
2 Bernabei F, Roda M, Buzzi M, Pellegrini M, Giannaccare G, Versura P. Blood-based treatments for severe dry eye disease: The need of a consensus. J Clin Med. 2019;8(9):1478. doi:10.3390/jcm8091478
3 Steven DW, Alaghband P, Lim KSPreservatives in glaucoma medicationBritish Journal of Ophthalmology 2018;102:1497-1503
4 De Pascale MR, Lanza M, Sommese L, Napoli C. Human serum eye drops in eye alterations: An insight and a critical analysis. J Ophthalmol 2015; 2015:396-410
5 Celebi AR, Ulusoy C, Mirza GE. The efficacy of autologous serum eye drops for severe dry eye syndrome: A randomized double-blink crossover study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2014;252(4):619-26.
The doctors at Cincinnati Eye Institute have either authored or reviewed the content on this site.